Τρίτη 29 Μαΐου 2018

Can you break this record?

A group record in our school

The longest time standing on one leg
Who: 9 students in class 6B
Where: At the 27th primary school of Thessaloniki
When: May 29th 2018
What: 2min. 36 sec. 70

Nine students of class 6B in the 27th primary school of Thessaloniki have managed to stand on one leg for 2 min. 36 sec. 70.

Break our record and send it to us!

Remember to take a photo to have some proof and make a note of your time! 

We bet you can't do it!!

2 σχόλια:

  1. We beat you!!! In class 6A of 101 primary school of Thessaloniki 21 pupils have managed to stand on one leg for 2 min. 40 sec. 26.

  2. We beat you!!!!!!21 students of class 6A of 27 primary school we managed to stand for 2min. 45sec. 03.
