Τρίτη 29 Μαΐου 2018

Can you break this record?

A group record in our school

The longest time standing on one leg
Who: 9 students in class 6B
Where: At the 27th primary school of Thessaloniki
When: May 29th 2018
What: 2min. 36 sec. 70

Nine students of class 6B in the 27th primary school of Thessaloniki have managed to stand on one leg for 2 min. 36 sec. 70.

Break our record and send it to us!

Remember to take a photo to have some proof and make a note of your time! 

We bet you can't do it!!

Share your experiences!

We are making a survey in class 6 about our life experiences. Answer this questionnaire and share them with your schoolmates!

Have you ever....?

Δευτέρα 28 Μαΐου 2018


Welcome to our new school blog! It is about the English classes in our school. Here our pupils will be able to post their project work, news, announcements or invitations to upcoming events. They can also find links to several useful sites that have to do with English, play esl games, watch English videos, read English stories and listen to English songs. Finally, they will be able to enter the sites of their class digital books. Of course, our pupils' parents and friends are welcome to see their work. English is fun! Enjoy it!